
HOMEお知らせ一覧イベント(12月14日)JCCIとシンガポール留日大学卒業生協会(JUGAS)共催イベント 講演会&ネットワーキングのご案内

(12月14日)JCCIとシンガポール留日大学卒業生協会(JUGAS)共催イベント 講演会&ネットワーキングのご案内


会員 各位





この度JCCI では、標記の通り Japanese University Graduates Association of Singapore




まず、講演会では、「AI for Sustainable Business: Nurturing Growth with Environmental

Responsibility」と題し、第一部はIGPI Singaporeから講師をお招きして、人工知能AIがどのように


地域化を達成するためのAIの活用についてご紹介いただきます。第二部はSingapore Computer

Society AI & Robotics Chapterの講師から、AI などでデジタル化が脱炭素化にどのように役立つか









As part of the annual engagement with the Japanese business community in Singapore,

JUGAS and JCCI are co-organising a networking event on 14 December 2023.

The event aims to provide a platform for members of JUGAS and JCCI to foster

relationships and exchange business and professional views.


The seminar theme, ‘AI for Sustainable Business: Nurturing Growth with Environmental

Responsibility’, explores how artificial intelligence can drive sustainable practices and

environment responsibility in the business world. We are pleased to invite two speakers,

one from IGPI Singapore, on utilizing AI to achieve regionalization in Southeast Asia and Japan

whereby advanced examples of Japanese companies in Southeast Asia regarding AI-driven

sustainability will be introduced. The other speaker from Singapore Computer Society, AI &

Robotics Chapter, will touch on how digitalisation such as AI can help with decarbonisation.


There will be buffet refreshments after the seminar. Attendees will have the opportunity to

connect with fellow professionals, exchange ideas and build meaningful connections.



日 時: 202312月14日(木)19002100


開催場所: WeWork 21 Collyer Quay, Lvl18

21 Collyer Quay, Singapore 049320


講 師: ① 「Utilizing AI to achieve regionalization in Southeast Asia and Japan」

Industrial Growth Platform Inc. CEO, Mr. Kohki Sakata


② 「How digitalisation such as AI can help with decarbonisation」

Singapore Computer Society, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Chapter, President, Mr. Toh Keng Hoe


言 語: 英語


定 員: 25名(JUGAS 25名、JCCI 25名 計50名)



対 象: シンガポール日本商工会議所(JCCI)会員のみ




18:30 Reception

19:00 Opening remarks & Sharing by Speakers

20:00 Networking & Refreshments

21:00 End


参加費: 無料


申し込み方法: https://forms.gle/vuU8Vr9mgUB37ueS8














E-mail: wendy@jcci.org.sg TEL: 6221-0541

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JCCIとシンガポール留日大学卒業生協会(JUGAS)共催イベント 講演会&ネットワーキング

Date: 14 December 2023        Application Deadline: 7 December 2023


JCCI Member ID(必須):



About JCCI Member ID


Company (English)


Full Name (English)


Job title (English)


Mobile number:


E-mail address (to receive reminder/final confirmation)


特記事項があれば、こちらにご記入ください。 Any special remarks, please write here:





10 Shenton Way  #12-04/05 MAS Building  Singapore 079117
Tel : (65) 6221-0541 Fax : (65) 6225-6197
Email : info@jcci.org.sg

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