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【JCCI協力事業】7/31-8/3「World Cities Summit 2022」@Marina Bay Sands

シンガポール政府Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) and the Urban Redevelopment Authority(URA)の主催により、「World Cities Summit 2022」が7月31日から8月3日まで、Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centreでリアル開催されます。世界各国から30以上の市長(日本から福岡市長が参加予定)、政府高官、ビジネスリーダーたちが一堂に会し、「暮らしやすい持続可能な都市づくり」(“Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Emerging Stronger” )について議論されます。https://www.worldcitiessummit.com.sg/

JCCIは、同イベントのStrategic Partner として、会議への参加を希望する会員企業に対して、下記の通り、入場券20%オフ(5人以上団体25%オフ)の特別割引料金を提供させて頂きます。ご関心を持たれる方は、ぜひ、下記JCCI事務局にご連絡ください。Email us at <info@jcci.org.sg > to get the promo codes!

The World Cities Summit 2022 will be held as an in-person event from 31 July to 3 August, at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands. Themed ”Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Emerging Stronger”, it focuses on how cities can emerge stronger and more resilient through prolonged and unpredictable disruptions.

Jointly organized by Singapore’s Centre for Liveable Cities and the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the 4-day event comprises of the main conference and other highlights. They include the WCS Mayors Forum, WCS Young Leaders Symposium, the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize Lecture & Forum, the Expo and site visits. It is held in conjunction with our Key Partner, the Asia Infrastructure Forum.

Sign up to get a 20% off at World Cities Summit 2022. Purchase more than 5 Conference Passes to get a 25% discount!

Email us at <info@jcci.org.sg > to get the promo codes!


10 Shenton Way  #12-04/05 MAS Building  Singapore 079117
Tel : (65) 6221-0541 Fax : (65) 6225-6197
Email : info@jcci.org.sg

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