JCCI Singapore Foundation

HOMEJCCI Singapore Foundation

Organization Overview

Name of Organisation: JCCI Singapore Foundation Limited (UEN: 199002444H)

Registered Address: 10 Shenton Way, #12-04/05 MAS Building, Singapore 079117

JCCI Singapore Foundation Limited (Foundation) was incorporated on 22 May 1990 as a company Limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. It was registered as a Charity under Charities Act, Chapter 37 since 29 April 1991. It is an approved institution of a public character (IPC) and its IPC status was renewed with the validity until 31 Aug 2027.


The objective of the Foundation is to support the development of arts, culture, sports and education in Singapore.


The Foundation works towards sustaining the harmonious relationship between Singapore and Japan by contributing its efforts in helping to stimulate Singapore’s cultural and social development.

Contact Information

Name of Contact Person: Ms Ringo Lee
Telephone No: 6221 0541 (Ext 202)
Fax No: 6225 6197
E-mail Address: ringo@jcci.org.sg

Governing Board

Activity Report


Annual fundraising activity is held between August and November, appealing for donations from members JCCI Singapore.


We provide sponsorships to local organisations whose activities are related to the development of arts, culture, sports and education in Singapore. Application call for the current year is for projects taking place in the following year. Application window is between January and 30 September.


We provide scholarships to local undergraduates who have keen interest in Japanese culture to go for one-year general study at Waseda University and International Christian University in Japan. Annual scholar recruitment exercise takes place between June and September.


10 Shenton Way  #12-04/05 MAS Building  Singapore 079117
Tel : (65) 6221-0541 Fax : (65) 6225-6197
Email : info@jcci.org.sg

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