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拝啓 時下益々ご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。
この度JCCIでは、シンガポール経済開発庁 (EDB)より、
ヘルスケア産業政策主任 AW YONG Xin Yi 氏をお招きし、オンラインセミナーを開催いたします。
敬 具
― 記 ―
日 時: 12月4日(金) シンガポール時間10:00‐11:00(日本時間11:00‐12:00)
配信方法: Webinar形式 (Zoom)
“Singapore: A Hub for Digital Health Innovation in Asia”
With the rising demand for healthcare and proliferation of technology across the region, digital health is set to transform the region’s healthcare industry.
Singapore, with its progressive public health system, established corporate landscape and thriving start-up ecosystem, is well-positioned to empower digital health companies for growth in Southeast Asia.
Join us to learn more about factors driving the adoption of digital healthcare in Southeast Asia and Singapore’s value propositions for digital health innovation.
Date/Time: 4 December 2020, 10:00am-11:00am
Presentation Agenda:
- Healthcare trends and opportunities in Asia
- Healthcare & the Biomedical Sciences in Singapore
- Enabling Companies to Pilot Use Cases, Commercialize and Scale
Speaker: Ms AW YONG Xin Yi, Senior Manager, Strategy/Healthcare and Wellness, Singapore Economic Development Board
Language: English
Registration fee: Free for JCCI members and EDB email letter recipients
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S3VIuaEYRHe8J0wxSZfZtQ
*The personal information you provided will be used only for the operation and management of this seminar.
Online: Zoom Webinar
10 Shenton Way, #12-04/05 MAS Building, Singapore 079117
TEL: 6221-0541 FAX: 6225-6197 E-mail: kodera@jcci.org.sg
===========================Copy & Paste===============================
【Application Form】 Deadline: 2 December 2020, 17:00
“Singapore: A Hub for Digital Health Innovation in Asia”
Webinar Date: 4 December 2020, 10:00am-11:00am (Singapore)
To: JCCI → kodera@jcci.org.sg
*ONLY in the case that you have problem accessing to the online form
( https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_S3VIuaEYRHe8J0wxSZfZtQ ),
then please fill in below and return to kodera@jcci.org.sg. Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Sub-committee in JCCI your company belongs to.:
□第1工業部会First Manufacturers □第2工業部会Second Manufacturers
□第3工業部会Third Manufacturers □貿易・運輸部会Trading & Transportation
□金融・保険部会Finance & Insurance □建設・不動産部会Construction & Real Estate
□法人サービス・IT部会 Corporate Services & IT
□生活産業部会 Consumer Services □非会員 Non-Member
How did you know our webinar?:
- Notification e-mail from JCCI 2. Notification e-mail from EDB
Company Name:
Question / Comment (if any) :
追加登録をご希望の方は info@jcci.org.sg 宛に、件名に【Eメール配信希望】とご記入いただき、
1.会社名 2.配信先として追加するEメールアドレス、左記2点をご連絡ください。